Working my tail off over the past month is starting to pay off. Soon I will have finish products ready to sell and I can't wait to see them. One of the things I learned about myself in art school was how much I enjoyed finishing something. I love to just sit and stare at it, criticizing and glorifying every minute detail.
Chapter One:
"She says she's a slave to the details"
Hi. My name's Ruthie and this is my blog. I pursue many interests including but not limited to: knitting, spinning, sewing, baking, gardening, music, bicycles, and photography. I'm an art school dropout. I realize now that this is because I have a hard time just focusing on one thing.
Currently my energy has been invested in spinning and dyeing. I am pretty obsessed with learning how things are made and trying to make them better, more healthy for the environment (including for us humanoids), and more like something I would buy.
I am right in the midst of creating handspun, hand dyed yarns. I buy fibers from healthy, cruelty-free environments and all my natural dyes come from a fair-trade company.
Tussah silk is gathered after the silkworm has emerged from the cocoon.
A sportweight silk hank ready to be dyed.
Three hanks of merino ready to be dyed.
More fleece waiting to be combed.

mmm m mmm. Powdered Indigo extract.
So keep dropping by and check out my etsy shop. I should have some items for sale within the next couple of weeks.