I can't for the life of me remember where I got this recipe, but it's so easy that you don't need to write it down. All you need is:
*Penne Pasta
*Pecorino Romano Cheese
*Freshly cracked black Pepper
*Olive oil

I eyeball everything (something that drives my husband, the kitchen nazi, insane). I cook the pasta until al dente. I add salt, pepper, and olive oil and stir to cover. Then I add shaved Pecorino Romano cheese, let it melt a little, and give it a quick stir. Finally I stir in the arugula, which wilts nicely from the hot pasta. Voila! Tasty and simple and great during summer!

I also had it in my mind that truffle oil might be really good in this, too. Or maybe even some sun dried tomatoes. Nonetheless, this is a great dish when done with minimum ingredients. Enjoy!